Unstringing My Bow

Dear blogging and podcasting friends-

William M. Allred share the following reminiscence of a short lesson the Prophet Joseph Smith once gave:

“I have played ball with him many times in Nauvoo. He was preaching once, and he said it tried some of the pious folks to see him play ball with the boys. He then related a story of a certain prophet who was sitting under the shade of a tree amusing himself in some way, when a hunter came along with his bow and arrow, and reproved him.

The prophet asked him if he kept his bow strung up all the time. The hunter answered that he did not. The prophet asked why, and he said it would lose its elasticity if he did. The prophet said it was just so with his mind, he did not want it strung up all the time” (William M. Allred, in “Recollections of the Prophet Joseph Smith,”Juvenile Instructor, Aug. 1, 1892, 472).

I think we all need to unstring our bows from time to time.

I have decided it is time to unstring my bow for a season and address some health issues. I have decided to take a four week sabbatical from blogging and podcasting.

I am happy to announce that Searcher and MD are not going to miss a beat and they will continue with the podcast. If you have not listened to the latest podcast on the succession issue you are missing out.

I suspect that some of you may be experiencing some health challenges or perhaps have family or friends that have some health challenges. I am providing some youtubes below that I have found to be very informative, thought provoking and inspiring.


3 Responses to Unstringing My Bow

  1. Jessi H says:

    Sorry to hear about your health problems, Watcher.
    Thanks for the videos. I’m always interested in ways that we can balance our bodies to achieve optimum health. I believe we are designed to heal as long as our souls have what we need.
    I’ve heard good things about fasting.
    Also, my family has been greatly benefited by the Emotion Code/Body Code. My mom had nerve pain and problems with her back, legs, and feet for years and it was gone in three sessions. My 5 year old had a dark edge that made me worry that he might hurt the new baby, but after 2 sessions, he released some trapped emotions and inherited trauma, and the darkness lifted. He still has his natural intensity, but I no longer worry that he will hurt his sister or himself.
    Anyway, I hope you heal and feel better soon.

  2. NEPT says:

    Get some rest, and get strong, my friend. I need you to keep an elastic mind, because mine is as dense as a brick.

  3. Be well and take care. You are in my prayers, friend.

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